Welcome to my blog and portfolio. I’m an educator, facilitator, author, multimedia maker, event curator, church worker, musician, researcher and culinary explorer.



Here is a Table

Here is a Table

Here is a table a conversation with friends a connection of hearts a communion of spirit Here is a meal a morsel of peace an entré of justice a hunger for heaven Here is a promise firing our hope filling our faith focusing our vision Here we gather open table open...

Young People & Well-Being

Young People & Well-Being

We have tomatillos growing in our garden. They can bear a lot of fruit, but the plants need support - not just a stake, but rather a kind of scaffold. The branches stretch out in all directions, and can't hold the weight of all the growing fruit. Young people need a...

Mission Catalysts

Mission Catalysts

Mission Catalysts are people with the gifts and call to foster a variety of new faith communities. In some places they are called pioneers. As a church, we are called to embody God's good news in word and deed in ways that offer new life to individuals and...

Pathways Workshop

Pathways Workshop

Pathways is a 2-3 hour interactive workshop for church leaders originally designed by Ken Morgan from Church Resource Ministries. The session is designed to help leaders understand and explore the steps by which people might journey into connection with a Christian...

Regional Co-operation Framework

Regional Co-operation Framework

Regional Ministry & Mission is a mutli-faceted project in which I am involved with Port Phillip East Presbytery. The issues facing churches in our region are common across Australia, and many parts of the Western church.  How do denominations respond to declining...

Diving Deep: Baptism and Confirmation

Diving Deep: Baptism and Confirmation

This interactive session focuses
 on the educational dimensions of preparing youth and adults for baptism and confirmation: our aims and understandings, a variety of approaches, mentors and companions, plus a range of print and multimedia resources including a preview...

Songs for the Season



Video Series

Our Faith: Christian Beliefs in the Uniting Church

Six short videos produced as a national learning resource for the Uniting Church in Australia. A range of church leaders – local, state and national – open up Christian beliefs about God, the Bible, the Church and God’s Mission. Discussion guide for groups.


“Here is a book of invitations to deeper water – to open a strange story and live in its pages, to learn to sing a new song in a different land, to be seared by a burning bush, to board a weathered boat and push out into the depths.”
Deeper Water: Resources for Immersive Worship


Growing Disciples

Mountain Masala – no longer active