Craig Mitchell

Educator, Producer, Facilitator

My work and interests



Faith formation and education resources for all ages, particularly young people. Creative worship resources. Leadership development materials. Curriculum planning. Editing and publishing experience.


Experienced workshop leader, designer and facilitator in a range of settings. Former faculty member at the Adelaide College of Divinity and current adjunct faculty with Flinders University. Leadership of VET programs and teaching in BTh/BMin programs. Accredited administrator of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.


I’m currently engaged in a range of projects in regional church development and mission. My previous work includes work in competency-based learning and other education areas, including leadership development. I also curate events of various sizes.


I am a musician and songwriter. In recent years I’ve started writing songs for communal Christian worship. I’m a lyricist who works with other musicians. You’ll find some of my music on this site. I play guitar, mandolin and ukulele and dabble with folk instruments.


I have produced, filmed and edited short films mainly for use in church education settings, particularly interview-based material. I’ve been working with a Canon 5D Mk III and a Black Magic Design 6k Pocket Camera, using RODE microphones. I edit in Final Cut Pro. Some samples are on this site.


My current research relates to churches as learning communities of lifelong discipleship. This ongoing project connects leadership, discipleship and mission. Other research interests include digital technologies, worship and sacraments, rural churches, and young people.


After an early career as a research economist with the federal government, I began training and working in the Uniting Church in Australia as a youth and children’s worker. This included working in local churches and on state and national projects. I completed a Master’s Degree in Religious Education at Duke University in the US, studying with John Westerhoff and Stanley Hauerwas.

I’ve worked as a state and national youth director for the Uniting Church, in rural leadership development and as a state mission consultant. I have also been a faculty member of the Adelaide College of Divinity and Flinders University through my roles at Parkin-Wesley College and the Uniting College for Leadership and Theology in South Australia. I worked for the UCA  Assembly as a Research Fellow and as the National Director for Formation, Education and Discipleship. Currently I am the Presbytery Minister – Church Development in Port Phillip East Presbytery in Victoria.

Bachelor of Economics (University of Queensland), Youth and Education Diploma (Alcorn College), Master of Religious Education (Duke University), Grad Cert in Public Relations (University of Southern Queensland), Cert IV in Training and Assessment (Tabor College), Doctor of Philosophy (Flinders University).