Ways to Pray

Ways to Pray

Yesterday I led a prayer activity at Messy Church at the church where I’m doing supply ministry. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of craft activities as a medium for Christian education or faith formation. Experience beats analogy every time as far as...
Imago Vita: Photo Discussion Cards

Imago Vita: Photo Discussion Cards

Imago Vita or Pictures of Life is a set of 86 A5 photos produced on behalf of eLM: equipping leadership for mission for the Uniting Church, VicTas Synod. The varied images are chosen for use in a range of group activities, from community-building, to reflecting on...
John 9 Audio Meditation

John 9 Audio Meditation

The story of the blind man at the pool of Siloam is well-known to readers of John’s Gospel. This is an audio recording of a guided mediation that I wrote for the book Encounters with Jesus. I’ve done this recording so that people can undertake the...
Acts 2: Contemplative Reading

Acts 2: Contemplative Reading

In your imagination, take yourself back a couple of thousand years to Jerusalem, the Jewish capital. Imagine the Middle Eastern city on a hill, the buildings of clay and stone, narrow streets, city walls, the hustle and bustle – streets filled with locals and...