Praxis-based Learning

Praxis-based Learning

Thomas Groome’s work on Shared Christian Praxis is one of the most influential things in Christian Education since the 1980s (Harper & Row, 1980). The field of practical theology covers a range of approaches to theological reflection, including...
“Meeting Together” Resources

“Meeting Together” Resources

“Meeting Together” is a new booklet from the Uniting Church, Victoria and Tasmania designed to help committees and other groups to explore what make meetings healthy and how to recognise and name poor behaviour in meetings. The booklet was produced by the...
Imago Vita: Photo Discussion Cards

Imago Vita: Photo Discussion Cards

Imago Vita or Pictures of Life is a set of 86 A5 photos produced on behalf of eLM: equipping leadership for mission for the Uniting Church, VicTas Synod. The varied images are chosen for use in a range of group activities, from community-building, to reflecting on...
Improvisation Cards

Improvisation Cards

Here is a set of discussion cards about leadership as improvisation. In my doctoral research I made a distinction between improvisation and innovation as follows: According to Sharon Parks, adaptive leadership occurs through experimentation and  improvisation....