by admin | Apr 24, 2023 | Bible, RESOURCES
I’ve just recevied three wonderful resources of wood block prints from artist Kreg Yingst who is the guy beind Psalms in Block Prints on Facebook and wORKING aRTs on Esty. Kreg is from Florida in the USA. His woodcuts illustrate ancient and modern saints and...
by admin | Apr 28, 2022 | Worship, WRITING
Holy Week 2022 God, you are too human for you break in our choking grasp and yet we are but dust in your hands — God, you are too weak Could you not stay alive one more hour? And yet it is we who slumber when you call — God, you are too simple Could you...
by admin | Jan 9, 2022 | Uncategorized, WRITING
Palm Sunday We hope for a leader to make our world right more than a six o’clock news sound bite of wisdom, not slogans of hope, not hollow integrity, not inconsistency just humanity, not hubris This humble rider seems no firm decider no simple spin no solid plan not...