by craig | Jul 28, 2022 | Bible, RESOURCES, Spirituality
Take yourself back into the Bible narratives through contemplative reimagining of the sights, sounds and other senses. As an exercise in prayer, look and listen to what God might say to you as you experience these events. This is a book of guided prayer meditations...
by craig | Jul 27, 2022 | Faith Formation, RESEARCH
“Congregations make intentional discipling a priority. Faith formation and education for the congregation, connecting with the wider community, are vital for discipleship and mission.” Here are 20 statements for discussion among church leaders about...
by craig | Apr 26, 2022 | RESEARCH
How are churches reframing Christian education in order to be effective in growing faith and engaging in mission in Australian society in the 21st century? This question was the basis for my doctoral research, completed in 2018, and now part of my ongoing work....
by craig | Mar 21, 2022 | LEARNING
This interactive session focuses
on the educational dimensions of preparing youth and adults for baptism and confirmation: our aims and understandings, a variety of approaches, mentors and companions, plus a range of print and multimedia resources including a preview...
by craig | Mar 19, 2022 | RESEARCH, Youth
For Christians, baptism not only signifies the gift of the Spirit, it is also our initiation into ministry in the name of Christ. I’ve been interested in the relationship between Christian formation/education and the sacraments since the mid-1990s when I began...