
I admit that I’m a resource junkie. Here are a bunch of both new, and tried and true resources for learning, multimedia, faith development and other stuff.

John 9 Audio Meditation

John 9 Audio Meditation

The story of the blind man at the pool of Siloam is well-known to readers of John's Gospel. This is an audio recording of a guided mediation that I wrote for the book Encounters with Jesus. I've done this recording so that people can undertake the meditation by...

Acts 2: Contemplative Reading

Acts 2: Contemplative Reading

In your imagination, take yourself back a couple of thousand years to Jerusalem, the Jewish capital. Imagine the Middle Eastern city on a hill, the buildings of clay and stone, narrow streets, city walls, the hustle and bustle – streets filled with locals and...

Board Game: Who wants to be a Tribal Heir?

Board Game: Who wants to be a Tribal Heir?

A board game about the book of Genesis? Yes. "Who Wants to Be a Tribal Heir?" is a game I developed as part of a Bible Study resource for young people about Children of the Bible. The resource was commissioned by the Women's Division of the General Board of Global...

Childrens Spirituality – Discussion Cards

Childrens Spirituality – Discussion Cards

“A very simple definition of children’s spirituality might be God’s ways of being with children and children’s ways of being with God.” Rebecca Nye’s book Children’s Spirituality (London: Church House Publishing, 2009) is a brief but excellent introduction. She begins...

Improvisation Cards

Improvisation Cards

Here is a set of discussion cards about leadership as improvisation. In my doctoral research I made a distinction between improvisation and innovation as follows: According to Sharon Parks, adaptive leadership occurs through experimentation and  improvisation....

Water for the Journey – Group Study

Water for the Journey – Group Study

Water is an essential part of our lives. We use it for drinking, bathing, washing, cooking, watering gardens and crops, and more. Water is also one of the biblical symbols for the Holy Spirit - cleansing us, filling us, refreshing us. God's presence in our lives is...

Our Faith – Video & Discussion Guide

Our Faith – Video & Discussion Guide

I have written a six session group series with video and discussion guide exploring Christian beliefs from the perspective of the Uniting Church in  Australia. The session themes focus on core Christian beliefs. The series is designed for people preparing for adult...

Discipleship Quotes

Discipleship Quotes

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest. Mohandas K. Gandhi I do not pray for success; I ask for faithfulness. Mother Teresa Christianity is not a collection of truths to be believed, of laws to be obeyed. Christianity is a person, one who loved us...