
I admit that I’m a resource junkie. Here are a bunch of both new, and tried and true resources for learning, multimedia, faith development and other stuff.

Ways to Pray

Ways to Pray

Yesterday I led a prayer activity at Messy Church at the church where I'm doing supply ministry. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of craft activities as a medium for Christian education or faith formation. Experience beats analogy every time as far as I'm concerned. I...

Reconciliation Sunday – Meeting by the River

Reconciliation Sunday – Meeting by the River

People of many homelands - will you join us beside the river and bring your memories of place your wisdom of country to this place and this time in the hope that this land might become more truly our shared home? Yes, we will come People of many languages - will us...

Affirmation of Faith based on the Preamble

Affirmation of Faith based on the Preamble

In about 2011, Rev Jenny Tymms prepared an Affirmation of Faith based on the Revised Preamble to the Constitution of the Uniting Church in Australia. This was done in consultation with First Nations people so that the language would work well in ways that were...

The stunning guitar instrumental album "Reverie" by the impossibly talented Rob Timbs is now available for free on the "Songs of Faith and Hope and Love" website. It's been made to sound even better by the original engineer Chris Adams - who does this as a wonderful...



I was introduced to the description of Mary, mother of Jesus, as God-bearer by Kenda Creasy Dean and Ron Foster in their brilliant book about youth ministry, The Godbearing Life. The term comes from the Greek work theotokos, and the theological notion is more...

Christmas in the Shed

Christmas in the Shed

Christmas Eve at Blackwood Uniting Church in December 2018 was an Australian-themed nativity called "Christmas in the Shed," named after an album and songbook by the same name compiled by Adelaide singer-songwriter Leigh Newton. Leigh was our special guest singer and...

Growing Disciples

Growing Disciples

I'm making some memes. Right-click or control-click to download at full size.    

Pentecost Peace Cranes

Pentecost Peace Cranes

Here's a repost from my old blog of the wonderful Pentecost celebration at Blackwood UC in 2018. This is referenced in my book Deeper Water. Last year's Pentecost Service involved the congregation in making and hanging about 1200 paper birds (representing the Holy...

Building Faith Brick by Brick

Building Faith Brick by Brick

Over a decade ago, Emily Slichter Given began experimenting with Lego to explore Bible stories with children. As former Director of Children and Family Ministry in an Episcopal church in the US, Emily developed these programs developed several years. They are...