Ambient Music

Ambient Music

I’ve just added a list of recommended ambient music for use in worship, learning events, prayer stations, retreats, etc. This is updated from my old blog and it’s a permanent page which I will update from time to time. I hope you find it useful. Click here...
Ways to Pray

Ways to Pray

Yesterday I led a prayer activity at Messy Church at the church where I’m doing supply ministry. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of craft activities as a medium for Christian education or faith formation. Experience beats analogy every time as far as...
Affirmation of Faith based on the Preamble

Affirmation of Faith based on the Preamble

In about 2011, Rev Jenny Tymms prepared an Affirmation of Faith based on the Revised Preamble to the Constitution of the Uniting Church in Australia. This was done in consultation with First Nations people so that the language would work well in ways that were...