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Diving Deep: Baptism and Confirmation
This interactive session focuses on the educational dimensions of preparing youth and adults for baptism and confirmation: our aims and understandings, a variety of approaches, mentors and companions, plus a range of print and multimedia resources including a preview of new UCA...
Childrens Spirituality – Discussion Cards
“A very simple definition of children’s spirituality might be God’s ways of being with children and children’s ways of being with God.” Rebecca Nye’s book Children’s Spirituality (London: Church House Publishing, 2009) is a brief but excellent introduction. She begins by...
Lay preachers & worship leaders
In 2011-2012 the Uniting Church conducted a national review of the ministry of lay preacher, surveying lay worship leaders and preachers, ministers, church councils and presbyteries. The research was undertaken on behalf of the Working Group on Lay Specified Ministries of the...
Baptism and Confirmation
For Christians, baptism not only signifies the gift of the Spirit, it is also our initiation into ministry in the name of Christ. I've been interested in the relationship between Christian formation/education and the sacraments since the mid-1990s when I began to research...
Improvisation Cards
Here is a set of discussion cards about leadership as improvisation. In my doctoral research I made a distinction between improvisation and innovation as follows: According to Sharon Parks, adaptive leadership occurs through experimentation and improvisation. (Leadership Can...
Wash Over Me
Wash Over Me is a newer song written after an encouragement at Songwrite 2019 to write songs that were lyrically simpler, and more upbeat. It has an RnB or soul kind of groove. David MacGregor wrote the music which I love. There isn't a recording yet. The song is included in my...
Water for the Journey – Group Study
Water is an essential part of our lives. We use it for drinking, bathing, washing, cooking, watering gardens and crops, and more. Water is also one of the biblical symbols for the Holy Spirit - cleansing us, filling us, refreshing us. God's presence in our lives is like fresh...
Our Faith – Video & Discussion Guide
I have written a six session group series with video and discussion guide exploring Christian beliefs from the perspective of the Uniting Church in Australia. The session themes focus on core Christian beliefs. The series is designed for people preparing for adult baptism or...
Blended Faith Formation Seminars
Port Phillip East Presbytery started an online series of seminars on blended or hybrid faith formation during the COVID months. Many churches were diving into online worship, with mixed results. However we've been living in a digital world for quite some time. US educator John...