
I admit that I’m a resource junkie. Here are a bunch of both new, and tried and true resources for learning, multimedia, faith development and other stuff.

Woodcut Prints for Contemplation

Woodcut Prints for Contemplation

I've just recevied three wonderful resources of wood block prints from artist Kreg Yingst who is the guy beind Psalms in Block Prints on Facebook and wORKING aRTs on Esty. Kreg is from Florida in the USA. His woodcuts illustrate ancient and modern saints and biblical...

“Being with in Mission”

“Being with in Mission”

Mission is a big word. It means different thing to different people. Is it about providing a weekly lunch for people who are lonely? Is it about advocating for social housing to provide for homeless people? Is it about starting an environmental action collective among...

Interactive Christmas

Interactive Christmas

I've just led a workshop on Interactive Christmas, an annual event that I directed at Rosefield Uniting Church in Adelaide for five years in the 2010s. Here's an outline with links. Interactive Easter was the first event in a seqeunce, both a community stand-alone...

Four Lenses for Faith Formation

Four Lenses for Faith Formation

Last Saturday I spent time with a church council, and a perennial question was raised. "Why aren't more people interested in Bible Study?" We were discussing what it means for a church to see faith formation at the heart of its life together. Is Christian education...

Praxis-based Learning

Praxis-based Learning

Thomas Groome's work on Shared Christian Praxis is one of the most influential things in Christian Education since the 1980s (Harper & Row, 1980). The field of practical theology covers a range of approaches to theological reflection, including Groome's approach....

Encounters with Jesus: Guided Scripture Meditations

Encounters with Jesus: Guided Scripture Meditations

Take yourself back into the Bible narratives through contemplative reimagining of the sights, sounds and other senses. As an exercise in prayer, look and listen to what God might say to you as you experience these events. This is a book of guided prayer meditations...

“Meeting Together” Resources

“Meeting Together” Resources

"Meeting Together" is a new booklet from the Uniting Church, Victoria and Tasmania designed to help committees and other groups to explore what make meetings healthy and how to recognise and name poor behaviour in meetings. The booklet was produced by the Presbyery...

Imago Vita: Photo Discussion Cards

Imago Vita: Photo Discussion Cards

Imago Vita or Pictures of Life is a set of 86 A5 photos produced on behalf of eLM: equipping leadership for mission for the Uniting Church, VicTas Synod. The varied images are chosen for use in a range of group activities, from community-building, to reflecting on...

Saying Sorry Game

Saying Sorry Game

Here's a game that I made up for Alive@5 on the theme of saying sorry and forgiveness. It's designed for a mixed group of parents and primary school age children. Sit in a circle. A volunteer stands in the middle - they are the spinning pointer. This person closes...