Welcome to my blog and portfolio. I’m an educator, facilitator, author, multimedia maker, event curator, church worker, musician, researcher and culinary explorer.



Water for the Journey – Group Study

Water for the Journey – Group Study

Water is an essential part of our lives. We use it for drinking, bathing, washing, cooking, watering gardens and crops, and more. Water is also one of the biblical symbols for the Holy Spirit - cleansing us, filling us, refreshing us. God's presence in our lives is...

Our Faith – Video & Discussion Guide

Our Faith – Video & Discussion Guide

I have written a six session group series with video and discussion guide exploring Christian beliefs from the perspective of the Uniting Church inĀ  Australia. The session themes focus on core Christian beliefs. The series is designed for people preparing for adult...

Blended Faith Formation Seminars

Blended Faith Formation Seminars

Port Phillip East Presbytery started an online series of seminars on blended or hybrid faith formation during the COVID months. Many churches were diving into online worship, with mixed results. However we've been living in a digital world for quite some time. US...

A Blessing for the Imperfect

A Blessing for the Imperfect

I wrote this recently for a colleague who was finishing her ministry role. May the blessing of work unfinished be yours. Be content that it was not all yours to complete. May the blessing of unfulfilled goals be yours. Be content that others also need to seek their...

Discipleship Quotes

Discipleship Quotes

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest. Mohandas K. Gandhi I do not pray for success; I ask for faithfulness. Mother Teresa Christianity is not a collection of truths to be believed, of laws to be obeyed. Christianity is a person, one who loved us...

20 Minute Neighbourhoods

20 Minute Neighbourhoods

The 20 Minute Neighbourhood is an excellent planning initiative by the State Government of Victoria to develop community hubs across the state - for socialising, access to services, transport, and recreation. It's an an initiative which churches can contribute towards...

Songs for the Season

Video Series

Our Faith: Christian Beliefs in the Uniting Church

Six short videos produced as a national learning resource for the Uniting Church in Australia. A range of church leaders – local, state and national – open up Christian beliefs about God, the Bible, the Church and God’s Mission. Discussion guide and activity resources for groups here.


“Here is a book of invitations to deeper water – to open a strange story and live in its pages, to learn to sing a new song in a different land, to be seared by a burning bush, to board a weathered boat and push out into the depths.”
Deeper Water: Resources for Immersive Worship


Growing Disciples

Mountain Masala – no longer active