Thursday 27 February or Wednesday 12 March
Join me for an online workshop on preparing youth and adults for baptism and confirmation. Hear about how the church’s thinking and practice regarding confirmation have sharpened in recent years. Consider how ages and stages of faith development might be be relevant to our approaches. Ask yourself “who is confirming what?” Examine a few different approaches to learning design, and take some steps in planning your own sessions.
This session will cover
- UCA and other perspectives on confirmation
- dimensions of belief, belonging and discipleship
- consideration around ages and stages of maturity
- several approaches to preparing people
- the role of mentors and other companions
- a range of print, multimedia and online resources
- templates for DIY planning
I’ll be running this session on two different occasions (same session repeated).
Thursday 27 February and Wednesday 12 March (daylight saving time for some)
SA: 1.00pm – 3.15pm
WA: 10.30am – 12.45pm
VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT – 1.30pm – 3.45pm
QLD: 12.30pm – 2.45pm
NT: 2.00pm – 4.15pm
The session will be recorded. You may also register if you only wish to access the session online afterwards.
Craig is a Uniting Church educator and former National Director for Formation, Education and Discipleship. He has served as a youth and children’s worker, in rural and regional leadership roles, in synod and national leadership roles and as a college faculty member, as well as being active in congregational youth ministry. In addition to writing Christian education materials for a few decades for churches in Australia and the US, he was the project supervisor for The Belonging Kit (superbly written and edited by Cheryl Lawrie). Craig has also conducted research into churches’ approaches to confirmation, collected and collated resources, and produced video series for the UCA Assembly about Christian beliefs and practices.
Craig has a PhD in the field of Christian education and practical theology, as well as qualifications in religious education, economics, vocational education and communication.
Cost: $30
Zoom Link will be emailed after registration.
Bookings through Trybooking
For Thursday 27 February – CLICK HERE
For Wednesday 12 March – CLICK HERE
For more information email me.
We have Baptisms on March 16th and I am looking for resources to use for ‘Preparation for Baptism’ sessions as we do not have an ongoing minister at present. Your sessions sound great, but will not give me enough time to attend, prepare, then run sessions. Please could you suggest any way I may be able to gain resources?
Thank you.
from Di
Hi Di. Well it depends. How old are they? Do they have much of a church background? There’s no “one size fits all”. It’s difficult for me to suggest materials without more information. Have you chatted to any of the presbytery team?
Hello Craig,
Thank you for your reply. I have just realised it is here – I was watching my emails!!
Our ‘baptisees’ are 17 years old, new christians, with little church background but have been attending a Bible Study with us for nearly 12 months.
I read about your Belonging Kit on the UC website, but the link did not work; I can see from your comment below that it is out of print at present.
Yes, the Presbytery Team recommended you. So I would very much appreciate your advice.
Thanks very much for your assistance via email Craig.
I have used the Belonging Kit some years ago and found it very helpful for a group including young adults and mature adults.
I loved the song ” Jesus was not very picky, he just said You & You & you….”
Thanks Ken. The Assembly is happy for a reprint of The Belonging Kit but it needs an update first. And Andrew’s excellent song is online here –