Brick Church Australia

Brick Church Australia

I have a new project to explore what it might look like to form new faith communities around a common interest in LEGO (TM). This has come about for a few reasons, including my own need/call to be involved in something in a missional vein. Lego has become big as a...
“Being with in Mission”

“Being with in Mission”

Mission is a big word. It means different thing to different people. Is it about providing a weekly lunch for people who are lonely? Is it about advocating for social housing to provide for homeless people? Is it about starting an environmental action collective among...
Interactive Christmas

Interactive Christmas

I’ve just led a workshop on Interactive Christmas, an annual event that I directed at Rosefield Uniting Church in Adelaide for five years in the 2010s. Here’s an outline with links. Interactive Easter was the first event in a seqeunce, both a community...
Mission in New Housing Estates

Mission in New Housing Estates

Across our synod there is rapid population growth on the fringe of greater Melbourne and in regional cities and towns – including Ballarat, Bendigo, Phillip Island, Inverloch, greater Geelong, the surf coast. The rate of growth of new housing estates in our presbytery...