Imago Vita: Photo Discussion Cards

Imago Vita: Photo Discussion Cards

Imago Vita or Pictures of Life is a set of 86 A5 photos produced on behalf of eLM: equipping leadership for mission for the Uniting Church, VicTas Synod. The varied images are chosen for use in a range of group activities, from community-building, to reflecting on...
Saying Sorry Game

Saying Sorry Game

Here’s a game that I made up for Alive@5 on the theme of saying sorry and forgiveness. It’s designed for a mixed group of parents and primary school age children. Sit in a circle. A volunteer stands in the middle – they are the spinning pointer. This...
John 9 Audio Meditation

John 9 Audio Meditation

The story of the blind man at the pool of Siloam is well-known to readers of John’s Gospel. This is an audio recording of a guided mediation that I wrote for the book Encounters with Jesus. I’ve done this recording so that people can undertake the...
Acts 2: Contemplative Reading

Acts 2: Contemplative Reading

In your imagination, take yourself back a couple of thousand years to Jerusalem, the Jewish capital. Imagine the Middle Eastern city on a hill, the buildings of clay and stone, narrow streets, city walls, the hustle and bustle – streets filled with locals and...
Board Game: Who wants to be a Tribal Heir?

Board Game: Who wants to be a Tribal Heir?

A board game about the book of Genesis? Yes. “Who Wants to Be a Tribal Heir?” is a game I developed as part of a Bible Study resource for young people about Children of the Bible. The resource was commissioned by the Women’s Division of the General...
Childrens Spirituality – Discussion Cards

Childrens Spirituality – Discussion Cards

“A very simple definition of children’s spirituality might be God’s ways of being with children and children’s ways of being with God.” Rebecca Nye’s book Children’s Spirituality (London: Church House Publishing, 2009) is a brief but excellent introduction. She begins...