Forming Disciples in Mission

Forming Disciples in Mission

How are churches reframing Christian education in order to be effective in growing faith and engaging in mission in Australian society in the 21st century? This question was the basis for my doctoral research, completed in 2018, and now part of my ongoing work....
Models for Rural Ministry

Models for Rural Ministry

Ministry patterns are constantly changing. Most Uniting Churches are small and rural. Many no longer have their own resident minister. Different forms of ministry have been emerging over the last 25 years or so. What does effective ministry look like in these...
Global Youth Spirituality Project

Global Youth Spirituality Project

In 2008 I was involved in running focus groups in Adelaide as part of Search Institute’s global youth spirituality project. The project involved a survey of nearly 7,000 young people and 175 focus groups across 17 countries. This was the first step in refining a...
Technoculture and Spirituality

Technoculture and Spirituality

A decade ago I suggested that research regarding the spirituality of young people gave insufficient attention to the place of technology in their lives. “Young peoples’ innate desires for intimacy and self-transcendence are bound up in their daily use of...