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A Blessing for the Imperfect

A Blessing for the Imperfect

I wrote this recently for a colleague who was finishing her ministry role. May the blessing of work unfinished be yours. Be content that it was not all yours to complete. May the blessing of unfulfilled goals be yours. Be content that others also need to seek their dreams. May...

Discipleship Quotes

Discipleship Quotes

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest. Mohandas K. Gandhi I do not pray for success; I ask for faithfulness. Mother Teresa Christianity is not a collection of truths to be believed, of laws to be obeyed. Christianity is a person, one who loved us so much,...

20 Minute Neighbourhoods

20 Minute Neighbourhoods

The 20 Minute Neighbourhood is an excellent planning initiative by the State Government of Victoria to develop community hubs across the state - for socialising, access to services, transport, and recreation. It's an an initiative which churches can contribute towards and...

Like a Candle

Like a Candle

    Like a candle burning wildly Raging soft against the night Spark that leaps to clear the shadows Sending warm, disturbing light We are called to live the passion Hope stands strong against all pain for it’s only in the burning that the candle shows its flame Like...

Holy Week

Holy Week

Palm Sunday We hope for a leader to make our world right more than a six o’clock news sound bite of wisdom, not slogans of hope, not hollow integrity, not inconsistency just humanity, not hubris This humble rider seems no firm decider no simple spin no solid plan not...

“How Shall We Sing?” – Recording

“How Shall We Sing?” – Recording

Here's a recording of the song I co-wrote with David MacGregor, "How Shall We Sing?" in 2018 after the Songwrite event in Brisbane. It was prompted by Dr Tanya Riches' input about writing songs with a local flavour. The song is a suggested resource for a Day of Mourning in...
