I’ve just recevied three wonderful resources of wood block prints from artist Kreg Yingst who is the guy beind Psalms in Block Prints on Facebook and wORKING aRTs on Esty. Kreg is from Florida in the USA. His woodcuts illustrate ancient and modern saints and biblical texts.
I ordered the Saints Cards which contain three sets of coloured images of five saints plus an addditional saint. Each has an image and a prayer for contemplation. Apart from the bonus card for St Francis, the other saints are from the British Isles.
The second resource is The Way of the Cross in Woodcuts, a book with 15 woodcuts, each with a reading, reflection and commentary on the art. The art is superb. You can buy the set as individual prints but of course it costs more.
The third resource is Psalms in 150 Block Prints. This 400 page books contains prints of each of the 150 Psalms plus the text for each Psalm, chosen from a range of translations. Wonderful resource. You can also buy coloured prints of each Psalm for about A$45 each.
These are stunning resources for personal or group reflection.