by admin | Aug 16, 2022 | PROJECTS, Uncategorized
Across our synod there is rapid population growth on the fringe of greater Melbourne and in regional cities and towns – including Ballarat, Bendigo, Phillip Island, Inverloch, greater Geelong, the surf coast. The rate of growth of new housing estates in our presbytery...
by admin | Apr 13, 2022 | RESEARCH
Ministry patterns are constantly changing. Most Uniting Churches are small and rural. Many no longer have their own resident minister. Different forms of ministry have been emerging over the last 25 years or so. What does effective ministry look like in these...
by admin | Mar 22, 2022 | PROJECTS
Regional Ministry & Mission is a mutli-faceted project in which I am involved with Port Phillip East Presbytery. The issues facing churches in our region are common across Australia, and many parts of the Western church. How do denominations respond to declining...