This song has been written for Advent 2024 to go with the theme that we are using at Blackwood Uniting Church in Adelaide. The theme is actually “Holy Light, Holy Night” but those words didn’t quite fit what I was trying to do with the song. Four lines of the verse were originally the refrain, but I ditched the verses and turned the chorus into verses. My friend Allan Hoare wrote the music and another friend David MacGregor helped us with the piano score.
The Advent / Christmas theme is based upon the book God’s Holy Darkness which is about seeing God as much in darkness as in light. God creates both and is at home in both, At times we mistakenly see darkness or blackness as evil, or we fail to discern God’s presence in the shadows. In our Advent theme we are moving from Creation through the Hebrew Scriptures to the Annunciation to the birth of Christ. some of that is reflected in the song along with broader themes of light and dark, hiddenness and revelation.
I’m keep trying for simplicity of lyrics but also something beyond stating the obvious. Also, people need some touch-stone phrases in a song, familiar phrases or couplets from time to time – not just constant fancy wordplay.
Blessed Night, Blessed Light
Holy is the light illuming
Holy is Creation’s dark
Blessed be the night for birthing
Blessed be the Maker’s spark
Holy are the heavens shining
Holy is the inky space
Blessed be the twilight dreaming
Blessed be the gleaming grace
Blessed night, blessed light
Holy One, Holy Christ
Holy is the word unspoken
Holy the deep mystery
Blessed cloud of our unknowing
Blessed be the sight unseen
Holy is the truth revealing
Holy promise, prophets tell
Blessed angels voices singing
Blessed gift, Emmanuel
Blessed night, blessed light
Holy One, Holy Christ
Holy is each heart now beating
Holy every breath we take
Blessed be the soul still weeping
Blessed every healing space
Holy is the night of mourning
Holy is the cross laid bare
Blessed be the morn of rising
Blessed be the hope we bear
Blessed night, blessed light
Holy One, Holy Christ
Blessed night, blessed light
Holy One, Holy Christ
Words by Craig Mitchell, (c) 2024 Music by Allan D. Hoare. Licensing with CCLI. # 7249116
DOWNLOAD Blessed Night, Blessed Light Score (100kb PDF).
Here’s an audio recording by Allan. Note that the timing is different from the score in a couple of places and the last verse and chorus go up a tone. You can decide if you’d like to do that.
Bleesed Night, Blessed Light Vocal – Allan Hoare