Water is an essential part of our lives. We use it for drinking, bathing, washing, cooking, watering gardens and crops, and more. Water is also one of the biblical symbols for the Holy Spirit – cleansing us, filling us, refreshing us. God’s presence in our lives is like fresh water. These studies explore God’s call to us to travel to new life and a hope-filled future.

This is a small group discussion and Bible study series that I wrote as both a Lenten study and a visioning/planning exercise for churches. The five sessions explore both the Hebrew Scriptures and narratives from the Gospel of John and Philippians.

Session 1: Called to Follow
Genesis 12:1-4a The Call of Abram and Sarai
John 3:1-17 Jesus and Nicodemus

Session 2: Called to Trust
Exodus 17:1-7 The Israelites at Rephidim
John 4:5-42 Jesus and the Woman at the Well

Session 3: Called to Give
1 Samuel 16:1-13 Samuel anoints David
John 9:1-41 Jesus and the Blind Man

Session 4: Called to New Life
Ezekiel 37:1-14 The Valley of Dry Bones
John 11:1-45 Jesus and Lazarus

Session 5: Called to Serve
Isaiah 50:4-9a Servant Song
Philippians 2:5-11 Christ’s Humility

Each study connects three lenses or perspectives:

My Story – my life and faith
God’s Story – the Bible and the church’s teachings
Our Story – our church and our world

The study guide may be purchased for $7.99 here. Purchasers may make copies for non-commercial education use in their congregation. They may not otherwise redistribute the material.