Here’s a piece that I’ve written for Blackwood UC’s Advent series “Holy Light’ Holy Night”. It is meant to begin in near darkness, with person 1 in the centre of the room and persons 2, 3 and 4 spread around the perimeter of the room.The script should be performed with great gusto – each line is an epic announcement.

The seating is ‘in the round’. The plan is for spotlights and fairy/starliights to come on at various points as light is created. Suitable for intergenerational worship.

In the beginning

1. (to congregation)I invite you to repeat my words aloud each time 
I speak. Let’s have a practice)
In the beginning
(congregation repeats) In the beginning.
1. Great. Here we go.
In the beginning

2. In the beginning, God
3. In the beginning, God created
4. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth
1. The heavens and the earth

2. In the beginning
3. In the beginning, the earth was formless
4. formless and empty
1. And there was darkness

2. Darkness over the earth
3. Silence over the deep
4. An impenetrable void
1. In the beginning

Click to download full script DOWNLOAD In_the_beginning (PDF)